Saturday, July 9, 2011

Life Swapping The New Choice Vacation

Life-Swapping - Today you can swap homes, art, services or even your entire closet wardrobe. Credit-crunched citizens unwilling to compromise their lifestyles are swapping, bartering and trading their way to a better life.

Most people may not have thought about it, but your house can be your ticket to exotic vacations anywhere in the world. Swapping houses with someone else can take your entertainment and life to a whole new level. What is house swapping? How does it work? If you have a house, condo, trailer, boat or RV, you can swap with a home of similar standard anywhere in the world for as many weeks as you decide. The internet has made the process of finding a swap significantly easier with a number of websites devoted to house swapping. You can allow thousands of people from all over the world view your home and you view theirs.

House swapping is believed to have developed in the 1950s, but rose to prominence in the 1970s as more people got involved and considered it to be a viable vacation option.Some estimates indicate that 15-20% of travelers are participating in some form of house swapping. Summer is traditionally the peak season for house swapping, due to families traveling during summer vacations and house swapping allows families to try out a location for a short period of time while saving money over the traditional vacation costs and allowing them to take vacations that they may otherwise be unable to afford.It's estimated that families can save approximately $5,000 by swapping their homes instead of booking hotels and rental cars, although the perception and listing of the home may not always match reality,and some may be uncomfortable with others using their home. Not all travelers are interested in house swapping solely to save money, but they also see it as a means of meeting locals, seeing relatively un-touristed regions and experiencing local culture.

Some people take the house swap to an even higher level and engage in life swapping. Here's an example of the terms for a life swap under consideration:

• This life-swap will mean you will have to swap your life with mine over a to be discussed amount of time.
• The person who becomes me, will have access to my email account and phone, wear my clothes, use my beauty products, football on Fridays and try to become me, as much is physically and mentally possible.

Here;s another example from the UK Guardian:

"a 31-year-old New Yorker with clear eyes and auburn hair placed an exuberant ad in the Village Voice. It said: 'LET'S SWAP LIVES. Woman writer will exchange her joyful, productive existence with yours for a month. I offer a small apartment with fireplace and courtyard; size 8 wardrobe starring St Laurent and Levi-Strauss; 1,000-plus books, fine paintings, Bach, tennis racket; sterling friends and loving lovers, not all of whom are married. I'll do your work, adore your family, see your shrink, whatever, wherever. Why? I want to know if people can get out of their skins.' The ad ended with a promise of references, and a box number."

Amazingly enough, there also people who engage in house swapping as a business. Due to the current slump in the housing market in the United States, houses are staying on the market for longer than anticipated and house swapping has evolved to help buyers and sellers find a more permanent match. As with more traditional house swapping, the internet helps prospective buyers and sellers find a match in their desired location. This form of permanent house swapping is more popular in the Sun Belt and other regions where the market is slower.

This system is not well-established and has a number of kinks that must be dealt with, including how to account for differences in the values of houses. In addition, lenders often must approve the swap and there may be issues related to the house's condition, capital gains and foreclosures that both parties must be aware of. Currently, none of the house swapping web sites release numbers of successful swaps.

It is our belief that this trend will grow very rapidly during the next decade.

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